Let's Talk Tri Delta

LEADDD Now Conversation – Ashley Baskerville

Episode Summary

Ashley Baskerville, Cal State/Long Beach, serves as a Trustee on Tri Delta’s Foundation Board. She answered the call for leadership from our LEADDD Now plan and discusses how to have the difficult conversations and using our voices to affect change.

Episode Notes

With a special connection to Tri Delta through St. Jude even before becoming a member, Ashley Baskerville, Cal State/Long Beach, continues to be inspired to lead as a younger alumna. As a mental performance coach with the Armed Forces, she discusses what it means to have hard conversations and the trust involved. By having these conversations and connect is a great way to get goals and understanding accomplished. She talks about blending our sisterhood through different experiences and backgrounds challenge the status quo. This allows us for showing and reflecting true diversity in Tri Delta. 

AB Mentality