Let's Talk Tri Delta

Distinguished Deltas: Lacey Horn – Standing on the Shoulders of My Ancestors

Episode Summary

Distinguished Delta Lacey Horn, Southern Methodist, is a passionate financial executive, who contributes her vast professional talents to towards the greater good and advancement of Native American Tribes. This inspiring conversation centers on focusing on your gifts and using those talents to serve others.

Episode Notes

From an early age, Lacey Horn, Southern Methodist, knew she wanted to serve the Cherokee Nation, of which she is a citizen. She currently serves as CEO of Native Advisory, LLC, where she serves Tribal Leaders as a strategy and financial consultant. With her gifts and talents in financial matters and strategy, she has been able to serve her people and advance the work of other Tribes. Lacey reflects on the ability to understand herself through her own lens to best serve others. She provides encouragement and inspiration about knowing yourself and how all wins and losses provide learning experiences. As our world constantly changes, she insists on the importance of “just keep going” and to be especially brave, bold and kind. 
